Sunday, July 7, 2013

An Introduction

I am the mother of two young sons, one falls on the autism spectrum, one is considered nuero-typical.  I have recently become aware that while there is starting to be a great deal more information available about autistic children, there does not seem to be much realistic information available about the parents.  Since I also have periods of insomnia as I try to process my daily life experiences in trying to raise these wonderful children of mine, I thought that I might write a blog to help myself out.  Many of my experiences are negative, but the victories are incandescent!  I find myself wanting to share both.  Mostly so that I can remember them, but also so that the other parents of autistic children out there can find some camaraderie.

For my fellow parents of those special autistic children, my hope is that you will know that you are not alone.  That the day-to-day difficulties that are invisible to the people around you are, in fact shared and appreciated.

I have no religious or political flags to wave here, this is a place about my children and about my attempts to raise them.

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